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About Us

Our Vision

A world where growth is inclusive and diversity is celebrated .

Our Mission

Chrysalis transforms communities and institutions to embrace diversity and catalyze inclusive growth for women and youth.

Our work cuts across multiple industries and spheres of influence to ensure a lasting impact is generated and that it can be replicated across Sri Lanka and worldwide.

We are committed to ensuring Gender Equality in all that we do, and creating an environment within Chrysalis that celebrates and embraces Diversity.

While we build strong and trusted relationships, amongst and between diverse groups and individuals, we are sensitive to unintended conflicts which may result from our work. We ensure we have systems, knowledge, procedures and capacities to address such conflicts from arising, and take following actions if arose.

Chrysalis is a company limited by Guarantee and an Affiliate of CARE International. We embody the knowledge and learning from CARE Sri Lanka’s 60 years of operations.