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Meaningful Engagement of Plantation Communities in Democracy and Governance

The ‘Redrawing the Margins’ Project(RtM), which was funded by the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, recognized the plantation communities as active members of their communities and more importantly as citizens of Sri Lanka. The project focused on women in the plantation sector, particularly relating to their language rights and the rights to access services from members of the government. Over a period of almost four years, we worked tirelessly to revive and strengthen Praja Mandalas, address language barriers and strengthen links between the communities and the local authorities, while facilitating provincial level Women’s Action Plans for UVA and Central Provinces which are in conformity with the draft National Women’s Policy.

The final event of the project was held in September and graced by Mr. Fabrizio Senesi, Attaché – Advisor | Good Governance | Conflict Transformation – Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.